
Alliance Mission

Alliance Mission Program to support and develop economic development through microenterprises in vulnerable sectors of northern Guayaquil in parentheses. San Francisco Valerio Eustatius 1 and 2 Mount Sinai Trinidad de Dios. Maria paida’s objective is to incorporate women and young adults in activities that improve their family economy through training in productive trades such as…

Women’s care center

Women’s care center Comprehensive care center in Isla Trinitaria providing gynecological and psychological care and training in personal and family development to women in the area. Our promotion model consists of bringing services closer to the members of the community so that they can improve their living conditions and provide them with the means and…

DEPRATI – Women garment manufacturers and entrepreneurs

DEPRATI – Enterprising women clothing makers Project focused on training annually and free of charge in the specialty of textile manufacturing to 185 women from the vulnerable areas of Guayaquil, Quito, Manta and Machala; with the purpose that they can learn to make products that later allow them to generate viable and sustainable ventures for…

Neighborhoods of Peace

Neighborhoods of Peace Program that seeks to strengthen the capacities of the Nigeria Neighborhood of Trinitarian Island, for the prevention of social conflict, the construction of peace and the prevention and management of violence; through art, sports, culture and the integration of community innovation for social cohesion


Coworking In agreement with the M.I.Municipality of Guayaquil: Economic reactivation project aimed at benefiting 1,650 women through strengthening skills with training in the topics of clothing and footwear; together with the use of collaborative spaces, business support and productive chaining.

OIM Economic Inclusion Program

IOM Economic Inclusion Program Project to generate decent livelihoods for the Venezuelan population in situations of human mobility and contribute to the joint development of host communities, through mixed training programs, comprehensive technical assistance and mentoring for the development and strengthening of ventures and productive activities.

Economic development and reactivation program

Development and economic reactivation program Promotion of Community Microenterprise Programs and Formalization of Community Savings Banks, to promote the economic reactivation of families living around the Holcim plants and quarries. Promotion of Community Microenterprise Programs and Formalization of Community Savings Banks, to promote the economic reactivation of families living around the Holcim plants and quarries.

Opportunity banking

Opportunity banking Program that promotes the financial inclusion of the informal sectors and microenterprises through access to credit to $60,000 people in the city of Guayaquil, with productive loans of $500 and $1,500 with the lowest microcredit rate in the country, 15% annually. The program is an initiative between the municipality of Guayaquil and Banco…